Wednesday, March 5, 2014

He Said/She Said: Our top 5s

It's not surprising that Jason and I look forward to very different things when we travel. If you've met us, you know we have very different tastes in general: Xbox vs. exercise. Sci-fi vs. celebrity gossip. Girl Talk All Night vs. Girl Talk Feed the Animals. So, what about when it comes to vacations?
UK Train STation
Train Station

She Said: Maren's Travel Top 5
1. Public transportation. Planes, trains and the tube. Buses, bicycles and boats. On this trip, we'll spend more than 48 hours cumulative on the move. It's a great opportunity to see the local community and beat your boyfriend at cribbage. (Although that only seems to work for me on ferries.)

2. Signs. Whether stateside or abroad, I always enjoy a clever, hilarious or misspelled sign.

3. Shopping. I don't buy much but I can window shop all day. Not big department stores but odd places like Tescos, co-ops and random boot sales (UK boot sale, like US flea markets).

Cliffs of Mohr
Watch your Step
4. Pop culture. I wish I was classier but I always grab a celebrity magazine and love finding out what's popular/ridiculous (hello Katie and Peter in England) or what odd US things have found an audience abroad.

5. Mini adventures. I usually don't cause these - it's all Jason. He finds quirky offshoots to our itinerary. In Ireland, it was pulling over at the Moat of Ardscull. We originally blew by it at 120kmh then returned to (jump a stone wall fence and) tour the remains of a hill fort from the 13th century.

He Said: Jason's Travel Top 5 

1. Weird Food. Especially weird street food like this Panijno con il lampredetto (a tripe sandwich popular in Florence. Tripe = intestine). Best yet was ackee in Jamaica (which Maren's Googling suggested could cause Jamaican vomiting sickness and/or death, but it was delicious and we obviously survived).

2. Markets. I love shopping for food in foreign countries. Whether it is just a candy bar and a pre-made sandwich from a small convenience store (i.e., a chicken baguette from Londis) or fresh produce from a big public market like the Central Market in Budapest pictured here.

3. Booze. I like booze.  Especially foreign booze.  Good, cheap wine in Spain.  Beer in Munich. Palinka from Hungary.  These are things I look forward to.

4. History. I LOVE history.  So much bad-ass stuff happened in the past!  Carcassonne.  Roman ruins in Lyon.  Maren will have to suffer through more armor museums than is probably healthy.

5. Going rogue on Maren's itinerary. I love wandering.  Along waterfronts, through parks and city streets, down alleys, etc.  I like finding weird shops and bars and people.

So.....What's on your Travel Top 5?

Having a beer in Warrington, England

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